7 days to heal your heart starts now

1 week to help you become more realigned with who you are on your own & begin your healing process

Just broken up and not sure where to start in your healing process?

Do you feel like you are constantly doing things that are bad for you or finding yourself in a state of negative self-talk?

I know how it feels and I want you to know that it will all be ok & that you will get through this.

The first few steps is to get yourself in the right frame of mind to be able to tackle this heartbreak.

Now is the time to realign with yourself, your values and what it is you need to do for you.

Self Love is key.

Whenever we go through a break up we always think "I need to get over this quickly".

Our friends are telling us to get back out there, to date new people. That the only way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

I'm here to set a new standard.

When going through a break up it is the perfect time to do the inner work, to learn more about yourself & to get clear on what you do / don't want in a relationship going forward.

Our brain needs exercised as much as our body and when it is used in the right way, we can accomplish incredible things.

Even healing from a break up.

I have curated everything I have learnt along the way and I wanted to share this program for you to reap the benefits of my learnings.